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Published on 19-04-2023

Haute Couture Videos

Fashion Program.

Structuring our fashion design globe.

#basic subject #modeling #models #basics #fashionstyle #fashiondesign #designs #combinations

Absorbing Ideas and Information! #trendscollection

#seamstress #modelist #stylist #designer #fashion #modellacouture #hautecouture #piecesofwork #drawings #cutouts

Launch of Another Collection Piece

#seams #seamstress #hautecouture #dresses #dresses #vestes #trajes #festa #party #dinner #goingout #friends #pleasant #loved #amazing #stunning #beauty #girls #beinggirls #modalisboa

Launch of Another Video about the Mini-Course.

#seams #seamstress #hautecouture #modalisboa #minicourse #christian fashion #classes #history #celebrities #fashionfever #models #styles #europa #wikipedia #currents #90s #tendenciadaepoca #modelosedesign #magazines #magazines #supermodels

Launch of Another Collection Piece

#seams #seamstress #hautecouture #skirts #dresses #vestes #trajes #festa #party #dinner #goingout #friends #pleasant #loved #amazing #stunning #beauty #girls #beinggirls #modalisboa

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